Beba worked in a hair salon as a nail technician, she supplemented her income by shampooing and waxing when necessary. Beba is jovial and light-hearted. She mentions how one of her loyal clients would come in and speak about how great her husband was in bed as well as when things were not so great. Beba decided she wanted to see for herself. Beba along with her husband went on a double date with her client and spouse. Shortly after Beba began hooking up with her clients husband regularly. Any location which had an element of risk they had sex, (ie). cemetery, dirt roads, her clients bed. Beba’s client confided how her husband was straying and Beba would just listen. Never did client imagine, Beba was her husbands mistress. Guy walks out on his wife, Beba leaves her husband and move in together. Client begins to stalk husband until she learn’s Beba is the mistress. Beba gets pregnant, client vows to never allow her husband peace without her. Beba tells how she never dreamt of leaving her spouse. The relationship was tumultuous from the onset. Her lover was a drug dealer which meant a revolving door between jail and close encounters with the authorities. The wife (former client) always mustered up some scheme to temporarily win her husband back and sometimes with the help of Brujeria occasionally it worked. Beba had no peace, the angst, despair she had inadvertently caused would not leave her alone.