In their twenty-six-year marriage, much had occurred. Zulady and Josue had three beautiful boys. Zulady deeply loved her husband and still felt enamored by him. She had a happy home life until she discovered Josue’s indiscretions. Zulady equates her feelings to the irreparable shatter of a crystal vase. Things were never the same. She chose to stay in the marriage given her convictions. Zulady felt betrayed by her husband. As the years passed, she forgave Josue and put it all behind her. Somehow they managed to rekindle things. One day Zulady and Josue had an outing and invited his best friend along with the brother of the best friend. While dining at a restaurant, Zulady excuses herself and goes to the restroom, on her way back to the table, his best friend grabs and kisses her. Although riddled with guilt, Zulady returns his advances.
Texting and phone calls become the norm. An agreed-upon time and location are decided. The affair is consummated. Zulady thoroughly enjoyed the experience although felt shame in its aftermath. She asked if I thought less of her given her infraction. I assured Zulady, I was not in a position to judge. While sharing guilt and shame are a complete waste of time.