Marissa is the youngest of two siblings in a pious Filipino family. Thru no choice of her own, she is part of a very non secular community. Everyone in her world looks and speaks just like her, homogenous and not by accident. Independent of her affinity for caucasian men, her parents are adamant about Marissa solely dating Filipino men. To the point, her father and brother assaulted her on several occasions for dating white guys. Marissa has repeatedly feared for her safety, from her family and has had to call the cops to intervene. Growing tired of the beatings from her father and brother, she gave up on dating outside her ethnic group and agreed to marry a Filipino guy, within six months of meeting. Marissa’s parents adore her husband, unlike Marissa who feels repulsed by him. Marissa’s husband is a great provider, terrific dad simply doesn’t resonate with Marissa. Within months of being married Marissa gets pregnant and has a baby girl. She finds sex with her spouse arduous.
Luckily for Marissa, her husband is not a very sexual guy and is happy having sex twice a month. Marissa is very keen on her appearance and exercise regimen. She joins a local gym, and before long finds, herself entangled in an affair with her trainer. Feeling a sense of obligation and responsibility to her spouse and recognizing she is in over her head, decides to end the affair. She is unhappy in a marriage, that appeases her parents. Marissa contemplates divorce although realizes she has no money of her own and no means of sustaining herself and maintaining her lifestyle. Habitually finding herself falling in love with different men as a means of escaping a reality in which she feels trapped.